Sunday, December 13, 2009

We have been processing A LOT of deer in the past few weeks. Here is our freezer.
It feels good to have it full.

Here is Curtis at the Arlington Cemetery.
He will not be in for Christmas but will be home in January for a few weeks.

Tree is decorated.

Trimmed Tree.

Trees Too Big!!!

Destiny looking for a Christmas Tree.

Bryan trudging through the snow with a snow bomber behind him.

These are our Dear in the Snow.

Howdy Friends and Family,
It's been awhile sense I have blogged.
Last night Doug came over and watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with us.
Today we went out in the back 40 and found a Christmas Tree.
Here's a few pictures.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Many Things In May 2009

Katy on top of OLD TRUSTY the Dodge truck we brought up from Texas. Here is a pretty pic. of our bonfire.

Bryan lowered the ground behind the house to try and stop water from building up under the house. NO LUCK!! But Bryan used the dirt to fill up 6 tractor tires that I am using to plant herbs.

Above is our Acrobats of the bondfire.
Destiny caught Gmom in a hug.

Above is Doug, who has been body building and loosing weight, getting more handsome all the time. Bryan and Pop working on
Pop looks really good in the firelight.

And this is our breakfast duo, oldest and youngest.

In May many things happened. Some good, that we wanted and some not so good.
Good things: Pop and Gmom came to visit and help repair a wall and floor, Destiny played softball,
I was given over 40 tomato plants, Curtis and Nikki came home for a visit, and the weather was a little wet but temperatures were nice, Curtis and Nikki found a house 40 minutes from us that is great and the price was a steal, and we had a family bonfire.
Not so good: The car needed a total engine overhaul and new crank shaft, during house repairs they found a lovely mud pool under our house that keeps refilling, Bryan got sick and was down on and off for about 4 to 6 weeks, Gmom and Pop wore themselves ragged while they were here and did so much service (that's a sweet and sour thing.)